Enrollment » Vouchers: Changing Tides

Vouchers: Changing Tides

Voucher Programs Offered By Outside Agencies

The preschool program accepts vouchers for child care payments through Changing Tides, CALWORKS, and other agencies. Hereafter, all these programs will be referred to as Vouchers unless otherwise noted. These vouchers pay all or part of your monthly fees.  They are granted on the basis of need.  If you feel you may be qualified, contact Changing Tides at 445-1195. 
Once approved, participants must have a meeting with either the Director/ Child Development Specialist that covers in detail the following:
  • Vouchers must be signed in and out on a daily basis by an ADULT on the emergency form
  • Certificates must be up to date and reflect hours that match your Preschool Contract. ** a reduction in hours or days may be required to have all preschool tuition fees covered. 
  • On your child’s last day of the month you must sign at the bottom of your voucher.
  • You must write in a reason for any illness (i.e. cold, flu, etc. not just “sick”). This is due to government regulations that fund these programs.

  • Failure to give a two-week notice before withdrawal from the program may make you liable for fees not covered by Changing Tides.

Parents/Guardians will be responsible for any fees not covered by their voucher program.
These fees will be reflected in the following month’s billing.
Some of the typical reasons that Changing Tides may not pay all your fees include:
  1. Using more days/time than your certificate allows.
  2. Not keeping your voucher up-to-date.
  3. Not turning in paperwork to their agency in a timely fashion
  4. Not writing in a specific reason for your child’s illness.
*****Before your child(ren) may start, all enrollment forms must be completed and turned in to the Director/Child Development Specialist and an intake meeting completed.
Parents and guardians utilizing the Voucher Program may not start the program before the paperwork has arrived. Families utilizing this program must complete all monthly paperwork required by both agencies!